Sunday, 30 June 2013


This is one of the best short stories I have read in a while. It has  all the horror and humour of a Charles Stross Laundry series story (have a go if you haven't read one of these), which it is. A Christmas story with Lovecraft overtones and a nice antidote to more sugary Christmas stories. Events take place with the hero Bob Howard on duty in a British Government supernatural organisation over Christmas; with a creepy take on the nature of Father Christmas.

Good, tongue-in-cheek fun, that is well written, at a good price.

After the Coup

If you like John Scalzi's 'Old Man's War' books or 'The Human Division' I think your will like this. It is a short story, (I read it on the Kindle for 38p in the UK at the time of writing). It concerns the things some of the characters have to do, to gain success on a diplomatic missions. In this case one of the character's has to fight (and lose) as a form of 'champion' for humanity a representative of the alien race. The story is imaginative, and like good short stories is great for a quick satisfying read.

For more reviews on this book:

A Tall Tail

This story by Charles Stross is a great read. It is put across as factual, and throws in some real and possible unreal chemicals in to the story about space craft propulsion systems and possible unhand things US and Russians (in this story) did to get ahead in the space race. The story revolves around a group of rocket scientists at a party discussing the weird propulsion system they worked on, or pretended to work on to trick their opponents with misinformation.

If you looking for a good, tongue-in-check read this is worth a look, especially at 35p (in the UK) on the Kindle.

For more reviews go to:

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Poor Man's Fight

I bought this book, in large part, because of the price (under £2.00 on the kindle), thinking if it not that good I have lost out too much. Well it is on this blog, so I am more than happy I took the chance.

This is a fast paced book, mixing politics, a tiny bit of social commentary but mostly a good sci-fi action book. The story revolves around Tanner who joins his system's Navy largely to repay the debts for education. The book starts with him not doing as well as he should have on standardised tests; leading to greater debt, joining the Navy and becoming a hero fighting pirates. There is a lot more to this book than that one sentence summary, it could have gone down all the standard plot-lines of all in the military are deep good-at-heart, who are just being tough for positive reasons; instead the crew maybe heroic but are flawed. There are twists in the book, and politicians doing what ever it takes and making some morally questionable deals.

I enjoyed this book. A good read at a very good price.


Friday, 7 June 2013

The Lives of Tao

Two competing factions of an alien race, using Humans as hosts to get off this planet, but with different philosophies [though not always that easy to tell the difference]. Now imagine you are an over-weight software engineer, getting in your car and one of these aliens merges with you and over a relative short time turns you into a secret agent in their war. This is the beginning of this book by Wesley Chu.

A good sci-fi book where the concept of what would happen in aliens were behind the leading figures in history is re-explored. Basically anything we think of us humans developing that is significant, is actually developed through these aliens. Now, throw in martial arts action, deception, politics, and blood-feuds what you end up with is an interesting and more importantly enjoyable read.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

The Stars Do Not Lie

The Stars Do Not Lie by Joseph E Lake published as a novella in Asimov's Science Fiction October/November 2012. What is especially nice, is the story is available at

A Scientist makes a discovery which when he tries to announce it, he gets removed from the stage quickly and becomes the focus of a lot of initially unwanted attention. The story mixes politics, religion and science policy to make a interesting story. It has a steam-punk feel to it, with airships, pomp,  and presentations to Royal Society type organisations.

Confession time, at first I didn't think the story was going to work for me, I was wrong.The basic story is not a new one, but the way it is written and the spin taken is good. It is not hard to see why this a Nebula Prize nominee, it is enjoyable without insulting the readers intelligence.

Saturday, 1 June 2013

The Mongolian Book of the Dead

The Mongolian Book of the Dead by Alan Steele published as a novella in Asimov's Science Fiction October/November 2012.

A US citizen gets caught up in the turmoil of a fictional invasion of Mongolia by China, by initially be rescued by a band of Mongolians. Why was he rescued gradually becomes clear as the story develops. The story revolves around the fact that he had a near death experience when he was young, a shaman, soul and Ghengis Khan's army. Work that one out.

As a reader you are lead through the story at the right pace, with the Mongolian language and landscape being integral to the story. It is an interesting, enjoyable, fantasy/sci-fi story, that I didn't predict the conclusion. Well worth a read