Thursday, 4 April 2013

Ghosts of Manhattan

Batman meets steampunk with slight touch of Lovecraft, set in 1920s Prohibition New York  Ghosts of Manhattan by George Mann has all of these features. Coal-powered cars travel the street; a Cold War between America and the British Empire; and Roman Coins in mint condition appearing at crime scenes - you have an interesting book.

The Ghost is a vigilante hero, whose alter-ego is playboy haunted by 'things' he saw during war including something that he can't explain - so there is the Batman/The Shadow link. People are dying and crimes being committed by a gang headed by The Roman. Who the Roman is? Why is he called the Roman? What are these people dying? These questions are explained with a touch of creatures from another dimension throw in for good measure.

This is a good fun book, that I kept thinking would make an great graphic novel; like a lot of steampunk the images are strong.  Well paced action and story, that keeps the readers interest.

For more reviews of this book:

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